Just curious what exactly does "is dependent" and "is exclusive" mean in relation to linking?
Exclusive to a parent and not allowed to link to any other parent? Or?
Dependent, I assume this would be something like a page contents asset?
Exclusive means that asset cannot be linked anywhere else in the system. Example is the bodycopy of a page, which cannot be shared between pages.
Dependent means the asset is controlled by a parent further up the tree and should not be treated as an independent asset. That means that actions performed to the parent are often carried down to the dependent children automatically, such as status changes. It also enforces some new rules in the status system so that a dependent cannot be in a status lower than it's parents (e.g., a div cannot be under construction while a parent is Live).
Greg, while we are on this topic, could you also explain major and minor links? I just want to know in detail what all of these are, rather than assuming.
The sq_ast_lnk table has a majorid and minorid column. If you think of these as parentid and childid, it makes more sense. So major links would just be your direct parents and minor links would be your direct children.
These terms don't have anything to do with link types, so they don't refer to the strength or type of the link. Link types (1,2,3,NOTICE) do that.
Thanks. I realized the parent/child thing after reading through the asset management include file again today. That file is like a goldmine. What an awesome read. :)