Listing automatic update date

(Ddorall) #1

Hey guys,

Just wondering how do i automatically update the date next to a link to a pdf, whenever i update that pdf within the cms?


Test Document - 10 June 2011

I want to make it so that everytime i update the test document pdf file, the date also gets updated.



(Ashish Karelia) #2

Hey guys,

Just wondering how do i automatically update the date next to a link to a pdf, whenever i update that pdf within the cms?


Test Document - 10 June 2011

I want to make it so that everytime i update the test document pdf file, the date also gets updated.




Hi Daniel,

Where are you trying to generate the link on? Is it a Asset Listing Page?

Basically the dates are output by asset based keywords. You can use %asset_updated_X% type keywords. More information on this can be found here.

Hope this helps.


(Ddorall) #3

Hi Daniel,

Where are you trying to generate the link on? Is it a Asset Listing Page?

Basically the dates are output by asset based keywords. You can use %asset_updated_X% type keywords. More information on this can be found here.

Hope this helps.



That was simple, Thanks!