Locating email addresses using search page

(Ryan Archer) #1

We are trying to search several of our public facing government websites to find personal email addresses that have been inserted on the pages.


I set up a search page and had it set to search all fields and then I have tried to type in the @ symbol to do a search, came up with nothing. Then I attempted '@slq.qld.gov.au' and that pretty much pulled every page back in the result and the few samples I looked at did not even have email addresses in them (false positives).


Even if this eventually works, it won't be able to tell the difference between a personal email and a corporate email. Is there any way to have a search form search specifically for certain HTML code in the page and not just search the text in the page?

(Bart Banda) #2

Haven't had a try at doing it with Matrix yet, but sounds like you might be better off using Funnelback (if you guys have it) or even Google search.


A quick try for info@slq.qld.gov.au and got about 100 results back:




Would that be sufficient? 

(Bart Banda) #3

Doing a star search also gives me some good results on any email address:


"*@slq.qld.gov.au" site:http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/



(Ryan Archer) #4

Thanks Bart but it was the Links Report asset (in Matrix) that did the trick for us.