Lock down asset types and prevent content authors creating certain assets

(Julian) #1

Matrix Version:


Our website is configured to use standard pages for various types of content such as ‘media releases’ ‘events’ ‘normal pages’ etc… sometimes our content authors when creating media releases select ‘News item’ asset type when they are supposed to select ‘Standard page’ asset type. (for some reason we do not use ‘News item’ asset types), I need to lock down asset types so content authors do not make this mistake. The same issue occurs for events.

How do i lock down asset types? Is it even possible?


Easy and common way (used) to be to hide the types in EES CSS file. That allows you to let some users add differnt types of assets easily. Of course, it will not prevent people from creating specific asset types if they are persistent. You can also create a trigger that returns fail if someone tries to create an asset that isn’t your approved type.

(Tim Trodd) #3

Like above, we have hidden ours using CSS in the EES style sheet.

Here is ours, yours will probably be something similar:

.ees_categoryGroup_news_item.wizard.category_Pages {
display: none;

(Bart Banda) #4

You can actually also just edit the Edit+ config file to blacklist some of the categories and asset types:

See createWizardAssetBlackList

(Julian) #5

Thanks to everyone for your response. Helpful :slight_smile: