Looking for a keyword

(Robin Shi) #1

Hi guys,

I am looking for a keyword to print the current effective design's name in page content, is it available?

many thanks,


(Robin Shi) #2

[quote]Hi guys,

I am looking for a keyword to print the current effective design's name in page content, is it available?

many thanks,


Just explain more in details. I have a standard page using the Design customisation named "design A", is it possible to print word of "design A" on that page in front end?



(Dkevey) #3

Hi all, 


I'm also looking for a keyword to print the "current effective design" that is used on a site, or page. I see there is one to display the paint layout used on a page: https://matrix-manuals.squiz.net/keyword-replacements/chapters/global-keywords 


We have 90 sites in our CMS that are using that could be using one of 15 custom designs. We have created a report using a search page listing to quickly check info about a site. The current effective design being used on a site is also required. 


Is this possible please?



(Peter McLeod) #4



Not sure about how to get it using keywords.


if you can get the id of the design then you should be able to get its name using an as_asset modifer.


You could look into using the design lookup service in the soap API:



This would get the design id and type based on a URL.


