Maintaining option list metadata

(Oliver Kass) #1

Matrix Version:

Looking for some advice…

I’m building a listing that’s generated from metadata. One of the fields is a large dropdown (150-200 options) of alphabetised company names. From time to time this listing will need to have additional companies added and old ones removed.

How can I ensure uploading a new csv won’t break the listing? In testing it 100% breaks on regenerating the metadata. Could I run into issues maintaining the list without regenerating?


(Tbaatar) #2


Wouldn’t it be easier to main the list outside metadata schema?
You can have the list in html format or CSV in a separate asset e.g standard page and nest this list into the metadata schema or as a related metadata file.

This way when the list gets update you don’t have to regenerate the metadata schema.

(Oliver Kass) #3

Users need to able to select one company to print on the front end though. It’s not just printing the whole list.

(Tbaatar) #4

As long as you have the raw data, formatting it into a select / option tag shouldn’t be a huge issue.

Out of interest is this selection done from a Form? Asset Builder or Edit+?

Edit: Here is an example of the raw data formatted into a selection option and the data can be passed onto for saving/sending.

(Oliver Kass) #5

ok thanks, I’m gonna have a play with nesting a list and see how that pans out.

(Oliver Kass) #6

Sorry forget to answer your question…editors will be selecting via metadata in Edit or Admin.

(Tbaatar) #7

I see, if in Edit+ mode or through the Admin screen the above mentioned will not be possible.
You will need to create custom Edit interface to make it work.

(Oliver Kass) #8

Just for info, the answer to my problem was to make sure the keys allocated to the values match the value name rather than run as a list of numbers. So when new rows are added Matrix keep the values and keys synced up.