Making Function Arguments Return Asset Info

(Nic Hubbard) #1

I understand that if I create a paint and process function within my edit_interface_screen_details.xml file, I can then use arguments for that function to gather asset information, e.g:

    function myFunction(My_Asset $asset)
    	 echo $asset->id;

This would return the ID of the current asset. This does work perfectly, if I define that function within my XML file as a process function.

BUT, what if I don't want to define new functions for a field, but still return asset information from the args of a function?

So, say I wanted to create a new function in my file:

    function myNewFunction(My_Asset $asset)
    	 echo $asset->id;

Since this function is not defined in the XML file, I get a php error telling me that the argument passed must be an instance of my asset type and none was given.
How can I do this?

Thanks, and if I have not been clear, please let me know. :)

(Greg Sherwood) #2

How are you calling this function? Do you have access to the asset object where you call it from? Can you pass that in?

(Nic Hubbard) #3

Thanks Greg for helping me clear my brain.

Not sure what I was thinking, but your suggestion was perfect.

For some reason I was not thinking about passing the asset object to my function from the function that I was calling it in. :)

So, now in my process function I am calling my function:


And it is correctly passing the asset object.

Ha, I am slightly embarrassed for not even realizing that!
