Alternatively, could someone confirm for me where the following code in the design_file.php for the design is controlled from:
"foreach ($GLOBALS['MENU_DATA']['menu__sub_menu'][$menu_row['assetid']] as $menu__sub_menu_row) {
$menu__sub_menu_current_setting = ($menu__sub_menu_lineage_assetid == $menu__sub_menu_row['assetid']) ? $menu__sub_menu_lineage_setting : 'normal';
if (in_array($menu__sub_menu_row['type_code'], Array("image", "thumbnail", "data_source_graph", "file", "text_file", "css_file", "word_doc", "mp3_file", "xml_file", "excel_doc", "pdf_file", "xsl_file", "video_file", "image", "flv_file", "powerpoint_doc", "rtf_file", "js_file", "file_folder", "thumbnail", "css_file_folder", "js_file_folder", "data_source_graph", "pdf_file"))) continue ;
if (!in_array($menu__sub_menu_row['type_code'], Array("page_standard", "paint_layout_page", "page_asset_listing", "page_link_manager", "page_tag_listing", "page_related_asset_listing", "page_online_quiz", "google_map"))) continue ;?>"
This is appearing in the design_file for the main design (with no customisations) - the parse files however only have:
<MySource_SUB design_area="menu_normal">
<MySource_SET name="unwanted_asset_types" value="image" />
<MySource_SET name="show_subs" value="on_current" />
so I don't see why and where the complicate if(in_array...)/if(!in_array...) code is coming from. And editing and updating the parse file for the design doesn't seem to affect the errant code.