Need help configuring Email Trigger

(Steven) #1

Matrix Version: CitizenPortal v1.3


I am trying to create a two step process using two triggers. Step 1, will change the status of an asset to “Up for review” after a set time. Step 2, will email a couple of email addresses a link to the asset that has been changed to “up for review”.

Step 1 is complete and running well.

Step 2 isnt working. I cant get the trigger to email me when an asset has been changed to “up for review”.

Below are a few screenshots of my current configuration.
Any and all help will be much appreciated.

(Nic Hubbard) #2

Are you sure that mail is working within your Matrix system and that you set that up on your linux server?

(Steven) #3


I received support.

The ‘from’ email address needs to use address based on the domain assigned to that environment.

Now works perfectly.