Need help for structure with DIV

(Anunudde 119) #1



I'm new in Matrix Squiz and i want to recreate this structure :

<div class="right">
                        <li><a href="./?a=239">Link03</a></li>
                        <li><a href="./?a=239">Link04</a></li>
<div class="left">
        <div class="float-moit">
        <div class="float-moit float-right">
                        <li><a href="./?a=239">Link01</a></li>
                        <li><a href="./?a=239">Link01</a></li>

When I create a "Raw HTML" content type, this code works. I have 3 Columns.


But i have no idea how recreate this structure in Matrix.

The person before me to succeed, but I do not :

oseM1a.jpgThis is the header, after that, you have a classic div, and after :



This is the property of the DIV :



If I create a "Raw HTML" I have not the Listbox.


I have to create "Raw HTML" for each of my <div> and </div> ?

(Nic Hubbard) #2

You shouldn't have to do any of this. Just create a RAW HTML div, but MAKE SURE to choose RAW HTML from the Content Type. This should just give you a blank textarea to paste your HTML code into. Should be super simple.

(Luke Wright) #3

The DIVs in the first screenshots (around the "classic" WYSIWYG div) are of the "Snippet" content type. It appears that the start and end parts of each column are being stored as snippets, for whatever reason.

The presentation type is then being set to "Raw HTML" so that it does not add extra DIV or SPAN tags around the bodycopy container. (This is different from the Raw HTML content type.)


So when creating the above, if you are trying to use the DIV with the drop-down boxes you see there, when you set Content Type to "Snippet" and Presentation Type to "Raw HTML".


I hope that answers your question.

(Anunudde 119) #4

You shouldn't have to do any of this. Just create a RAW HTML div, but MAKE SURE to choose RAW HTML from the Content Type. This should just give you a blank textarea to paste your HTML code into. Should be super simple.

Yeah, that's the easy way, but the people behind me, it's not.I can cut my code in several parts, but I do not know if this is the right way of coding matrix with CMS.




The DIVs in the first screenshots (around the "classic" WYSIWYG div) are of the "Snippet" content type. It appears that the start and end parts of each column are being stored as snippets, for whatever reason.

The presentation type is then being set to "Raw HTML" so that it does not add extra DIV or SPAN tags around the bodycopy container. (This is different from the Raw HTML content type.)


So when creating the above, if you are trying to use the DIV with the drop-down boxes you see there, when you set Content Type to "Snippet" and Presentation Type to "Raw HTML".


I hope that answers your question.

Using "Snippet" is the good way to use Matrix or RAW HTML is the same ?