New jQuery Plugin released for MySource Matrix

(Nic Hubbard) #1

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I have been working on a new jQuery plugin that has been incorporating the functionality of the Simple Edit Admin Tools that I showed at MMIUC2008. It is a new plugin called jQuery Matrix, so it has a dependency on jQuery, so make sure that you have this as well.

So far, the plugin has 7 parts:

  • matrixForm

Each of these are really their own plugin, and can be used by chaining it in the normal jQuery style. This plugin will continue to be actively work on by me, but I do welcome suggestions, feature requests, and also contributions to the plugin. Right now I am still working on the documentation and the demos, so please bear with me in that regard. Also, the plugin is a very early version, so I know there will be alot of fixes and functionality that will be added in the future. Please let me know what you think!

Download jquery.matrix.js and view Documentation and Demos

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me here on the forums, or through Download jquery.matrix.js and view Documentation and Demos.

(Rachel Macdonald) #2

Wow, I just had a very sugary morning tea and now fun jquery downloads! Too much excitement for a Monday! :lol:

I await the demos!

Actually, too hyper to wait! Hee, this will be fun…

(Nic Hubbard) #3

[quote]Wow, I just had a very sugary morning tea and now fun jquery downloads! Too much excitement for a Monday! :lol:

I await the demos!

Actually, too hyper to wait! Hee, this will be fun…[/quote]

Thanks Rachel, some of the documentation is up, and the demos are being created as we speak.

(Dw Andrew) #4

Looks awesome, a great initiative! would be interesting to see some contributions to it as well… I will need to get it running first :stuck_out_tongue:

(Nic Hubbard) #5

Yes, I would love to get some ideas as to what people are interested in seeing for new features. :)

(Anton Babushkin) #6

Looks like me and you are thinking alike!

I've actually just made my own MySource Matrix jQuery Plugin, which takes a similar approach to you except has no dependency on Triggers.

I've sent you a message.

(Duncan Robertson) #7

Nic, nice one - and thank you. Looking forward to playing with it on my installation. Personally, jquery has saved our development a few times while using Matrix, and look forward to seeing what this could add to our simple edits.


(Nic Hubbard) #8

[quote]Nic, nice one - and thank you. Looking forward to playing with it on my installation. Personally, jquery has saved our development a few times while using Matrix, and look forward to seeing what this could add to our simple edits.


Thanks Duncan,

Grab the newest version that I just put up on github, I added a new option for the matrixFrame plugin that lets that user specify where the iframe is created, rather than the default body. Please feel free to give me your feedback on any aspect of the plugin.

Documentation is still being finished up, I will post here when that is done.

(Robin Shi) #9

[quote]Thanks Duncan,

Grab the newest version that I just put up on github, I added a new option for the matrixFrame plugin that lets that user specify where the iframe is created, rather than the default body. Please feel free to give me your feedback on any aspect of the plugin.

Documentation is still being finished up, I will post here when that is done.[/quote]

Well done Nic. You are a star. I willimplement your codes in our system and I hope I am smart enough not to have to ask you too many questions. :P’ /> :P <img src=‘<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif’ class=‘bbc_emoticon’ alt=’:stuck_out_tongue:


(Nic Hubbard) #10

[quote]Well done Nic. You are a star. I willimplement your codes in our system and I hope I am smart enough not to have to ask you too many questions. :P’ /> :P <img src=‘<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif’ class=‘bbc_emoticon’ alt=’:stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Robin,

Just keep in mind that this is a very early version, so there will be updates, but I will take special care to not break anything when I do update. It should be very simple, with only a few options to pass if you want. If you do implement it, please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I could improve things. :slight_smile:

(Robin Shi) #11

[quote]Hey Robin,

Just keep in mind that this is a very early version, so there will be updates, but I will take special care to not break anything when I do update. It should be very simple, with only a few options to pass if you want. If you do implement it, please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I could improve things. :)[/quote]

Thanks again Nic.

I am just wondering if there are any Squiz customized scripts need to implement the simple edit interface?

:lol:’ /> :lol: <img src=‘<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif’ class=‘bbc_emoticon’ alt=’:lol:


(Nic Hubbard) #12

[quote]Thanks again Nic.
I am just wondering if there are any Squiz customized scripts need to implement the simple edit interface?

:lol:’ /> :lol: <img src=‘<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif’ class=‘bbc_emoticon’ alt=’:lol:


Are you talking about the simple edit interface that I created? No, nothing is custom by Squiz. The plugin relies on creating triggers for a few of the plugins, but others, like the matrixForm that I will be adding (for submitting asset builders through ajax) will just need you to build a normal asset.

(Robin Shi) #13

Thank you Nic.
:lol:' /> :lol: <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:

(Nic Hubbard) #14

I just updated jquery.matrix.js with a new plugin called matrixForm. This plugin is used with an asset builder to turn it into an ajax asset builder, so that you can create assets using ajax. It is quick and easy, and includes some nice options.

I also finished adding the Documentation for all of the other plugins, so feel free to take a look and give me feedback on any of them!

Download jquery.matrix.js and view Documentation and Demos

(Rachel Macdonald) #15

Hi Nic,

Many thanks of course!

Just wondering what your trigger settings are for deleting? The item disappears off the simple edit screen but when reloaded it is right back again and never goes to the trash. I set my trigger up on asset accessed with a URL match, access permission and tree location to create a link. Should the event be different or are your trigger settings something else?

Also I was hoping for my users to be able to delete the asset belonging to the details screen they were currently viewing in simple edit. Can your script be used for that or am I heading in the wrong direction?

(Robin Shi) #16

[quote]Hi Nic,

Many thanks of course!

Just wondering what your trigger settings are for deleting? The item disappears off the simple edit screen but when reloaded it is right back again and never goes to the trash. I set my trigger up on asset accessed with a URL match, access permission and tree location to create a link. Should the event be different or are your trigger settings something else?

Also I was hoping for my users to be able to delete the asset belonging to the details screen they were currently viewing in simple edit. Can your script be used for that or am I heading in the wrong direction?[/quote]

Hi Rachel,

The Ajax interface just gives out a 'fake' deleltion, the trigger deletes the asset instead.

So in the trigger did you tick the option of "Unlink this asset from all its existing parents"? Have you turned off "safe-trash"?


(Nic Hubbard) #17

[quote]Hi Nic,

Many thanks of course!

Just wondering what your trigger settings are for deleting? The item disappears off the simple edit screen but when reloaded it is right back again and never goes to the trash. I set my trigger up on asset accessed with a URL match, access permission and tree location to create a link. Should the event be different or are your trigger settings something else?

Also I was hoping for my users to be able to delete the asset belonging to the details screen they were currently viewing in simple edit. Can your script be used for that or am I heading in the wrong direction?[/quote]

Hi Rachel,

Yeah, in the demos I don't have any of the actual triggers set up, because people would abuse them. So, you need to make sure that you set up the urlSuffix to match that of your trigger URL match, and yes, add a Create Link action, which links to the trash, and unlinks for any parents. Then the trigger will mirror the "visual" deletion that you see in the demo.

Hope this helps.

Also, I like your idea of deleting the current asset, but if they are currently on the details screen of an asset, and that asset gets deleted it might not be the best thing. But I will look into it and see how this could possible work.


(Rachel Macdonald) #18

Yeah, I have it unlinking from existing parents, but safe trash is turned on. Must this be turned off even if you have unlinking from parents selected? Everything else is as Nic said so I guess that might be why it isn't triggering...?

(Nic Hubbard) #19

I would assume so. Honestly, we never have used safe trash, so someone else might need to chip in here, can you try it as a test to see if the trigger will then work?

(Robin Shi) #20

My trigger worked fine with "safe-trash" off. According to the manual, safe trash only detects notice links. I think maybe you missed some steps from what Nic said??