Hi all,
I'm trying to setup an asset listing to churn out all of the orders that have been made through an ecommerce form we have setup up. We want all the order details (just like a normal form) plus the financial information as well.
I have tried using the keyword modifiers for it as such http://manuals.matrix.squizsuite.net/e-commerce/appendices/keyword-replacementsbut I am having no luck with it at all. Besides, that doesn't explain to me how to get the other form details printed out as well.
I'm looking to getting all the data to go into an Excel spreadsheet using a specific design file for that. Issue is that the data is not coming through. I have setup the asset listing to have the root folder where the ecommerce form orders sit and it prints links to the orders by the default asset listing settings - but as soon as I try to modify the data that is coming out so I can put it in a spreadsheet, nothing gets printed out.
I've also followed the recommendations at this forum thread http://forums.squizsuite.net/index.php?showtopic=9690&hl=%2Becommerce+%2Bform#entry45682but I still have no luck with it.
Currently running Squiz Matrix v4.18.4 waiting ever so patiently to get a green light to upgrade to latest Squiz...