Obtaining ecommerce form order data through asset listing

(Ryan Archer) #1

Hi all,


I'm trying to setup an asset listing to churn out all of the orders that have been made through an ecommerce form we have setup up. We want all the order details (just like a normal form) plus the financial information as well.


I have tried using the keyword modifiers for it as such http://manuals.matrix.squizsuite.net/e-commerce/appendices/keyword-replacementsbut I am having no luck with it at all. Besides, that doesn't explain to me how to get the other form details printed out as well.


I'm looking to getting all the data to go into an Excel spreadsheet using a specific design file for that. Issue is that the data is not coming through. I have setup the asset listing to have the root folder where the ecommerce form orders sit and it prints links to the orders by the default asset listing settings - but as soon as I try to modify the data that is coming out so I can put it in a spreadsheet, nothing gets printed out.


I've also followed the recommendations at this forum thread http://forums.squizsuite.net/index.php?showtopic=9690&hl=%2Becommerce+%2Bform#entry45682but I still have no luck with it.


Currently running Squiz Matrix v4.18.4 waiting ever so patiently to get a green light to upgrade to latest Squiz...

(Joel Porgand) #2

It's a lot easier to help if you post exact details of what you have done, rather than a vague description.

(Ryan Archer) #3

I think I've given enough details, here is the link to the asset listing page https://payments.slq.qld.gov.au/queensland-literary-awards-nomination-forms/nomination-for-submissions-fee/_nocache

I did not do anything additional in the settings of the asset listing besides target a folder make sure it lists the assets that are type of 'orders', select the asset status of live and no further changes were made to asset.


Then using the keywords as I mentioned above still won't pull the data. I can make a video recording of what I have done if it makes things clearer....

(Talk) #4

Hey, unless they're test entries, your customer's personal and transaction details are all public: 



(Ryan Archer) #5

Nevermind, it was because I did not setup headers in the page contents asset and needed to use RAW HTML instead of the WYSIWIG.

Also could not find the right keyword replacement to retrieve the form responses - they are not available from the drop down select menu within a custom form (in our version of Squiz).


There is a few tricky parts to do with line spaces as well if wanting the info to go into a CSV file.

(Ryan Archer) #6

Hey, unless they're test entries, your customer's personal and transaction details are all public: 




Good point @Jeremy, that's why I've deleted the asset and started again on our intranet.

I realised that halfway though the game....not a terribly bright moment.

(Talk) #7

No worries mate, they're still exposed though, maybe you could set up a trigger to restrict access to the actual order summary assets - Matrix makes these live when transactions clear, I wonder if they should be archived instead (as I imagine they shouldn't be altered at all once they're finalised).



(Ryan Archer) #8

I had no idea. I dare say this leaves us way more exposed that first thought. We have other ecommerce forms that operate in the same way. Makes total sense about archiving them. Problem is that if they are archived, can I have an asset listing in our 'protected intranet' get the information from them? This is in the absense of having the ability to setup submission logs on them...

(Ryan Archer) #9

Bad news is that in our current version of Squiz, we are unable to change the status of the individual orders to 'archived'.

We can archive the parent folder but the issue with that is we use this same form on an annual basis. We can't delete old order assets either as we need to retain the records on our database.


Is there a good solution to this besides re-creating the ecommerce form every year?


BUMP to Squiz Admin....

(Bart Banda) #10

Can't you run a trigger on those order assets so that they get archived after a certain period of time? Or better yet, apply deny public read on them? 

(Joel Porgand) #11

can't you just set the submission parent folder to archived & cascade the status, then set it back live without cascading the status?

(Ryan Archer) #12

Thanks guys. Both very good solutions - i think i will use both of them.

Set up trigger to remove public access (or have this happen by default).


Then after form submissions close for a year, run a report with all the information - then do as JP suggested:

archive the parent folder, cascade it and then set the parent folder back to live so that new submissions for the next year can be received.


Obviously by archiving the orders, they won't appear in the reports I setup via asset listing because I specify the status of the asset to be live.