Having an issue where I'm trying to output a pipe (i.e. | ) from a keyword modifier. E.g.
%globals_asset_url^contains:.vic.gov.au/heritage:<input type="hidden" name="f.Section|14" value="Heritage">: %
This is within a site search form, and what the code is attempting to do is output a hidden form field that gets sent to Funnelback Enterprise version so that it's defaults to the appropriate facet (based on gscope). In this case the site section is 'Heritage' based on the url, so we want to invoke the heritage facet (gscope 14). I know - pipe in URL and the value part of the arg name like this is weird, but that's how Funnelback Enterprise expects it.
When I try to add the above code to a page in matrix, I get an error:
PHP Warning preg_replace(): Unknown modifier '1'
I've narrowed it down to the pipe. I've tried escaping with backslash (no effect) and url-encoding (which fails because of the percentage sign),
Is there any way in a keyword modifier like this to output a pipe symbol?
Or another way to invoke a faceted search directly on Enterprise Funnelback that does not need a pipe symbol in the URL?
Matrix v4.12