PHP fatal error when viewing version history of an asset


Hey Guys,


Just wondering if any you guys have experienced PHP fatal errors when attempting to view the version history of an asset?


I've checked the bug tracker and nothing is jumping out.




(Ashish Karelia) #2


what is the error being reported by Matrix? Also what is the version of Matrix you are running?


Below are couple of bugs that I thought might be relevant:#6317 Asset_Manager::getParents() throwing fatal db exception for a special scenerio


#5470 Rollback view throw errors if the rollback date is older than the user currently logged





Hey Ash,


Thanks for getting back to me with looking at the error with the bugs you have provided it might be #6317 for sure. Thanks =)



 Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'DALException' with message: 'Unable to execute query: ORA-00936: missing expression' in /local/matrix/csu_matrix_4104/core/lib/DAL/ execPdoQuery('Resource id #113...') #1 /local/matrix/csu_matrix_4104/core/include/ executePdoGroupedAssoc('Resource id #113...') #2 /local/matrix/csu_matrix_4104/core/include/ getParents('4901...', 'design', true) #3 /local/matrix/csu_matrix_4104/core/web/index.php(30): start()

(Ashish Karelia) #4

Happy to help :)