Hi! I have created a calendar asset, with the following Event Sources:
Location to draw events from CSS Class to apply to the events' display
All Cities green
Rome olive
Paris silver
Tokyo lime
London orange
Wagga Wagga teal
These are folders, that single and reoccuring calendar events get created under, and are colour coded in the Monthly view. Working well!
When the person clicks to view the individual event, I would like to print this city name (idealy also their colour key) on their Type Formats, alongside the other event keywords.
Targeting a folder (or essentially the parent) of an asset understandably is subjective, but is there a keyword combination in existence that targets create locations?
I had found these:
Create Locations screen (%locations-%)
But unsuccessful in getting values to display.
I attempting to target with a newly created metadata field, %metadata-F_{metadata schema field id}% also.
I have created an asset builder to utilise, but might understand if clients would prefer to create events in the Easy Edit suite.
Am I on the cusp? Or nowhere close?
Thank you in advance for your ideas!