[quote]A customised paint function will be required in the …_edit_fns.inc file. An asset with a "Details" screen configured in this manner is the Form Section asset (files under packages/cms/form/form_section). There are a couple of files that will need to be modified in your asset to get this to work:
- ..._edit_fns.inc : a paint...() function to render your fields or other HTML. Please refer to the Form Section edit functions for the correct function signature
[*]edit_interface_screen_details.xml : A <function_call> XML declaration to point to your paint function
[*]locale/en/lang_screen_details.xml : A similar <function_call> declaration in this file
The _construct() declaration is only required if further values need to be set when creating your asset, for example, to control whether a certain screen is locked immediately after creation (see
Matrix site: Creating an Asset).
If the interface being painted needs to perform processing, a process...() function will also need to be included and set up in a similar manner.
The compile_locale script will need to be run to associate the XML changes with your asset.[/quote]
Thank you Mark, very very helpful! I thought that I was missing something.
I will get to work using your suggestions, and post back here if I run into problems.
Thanks again!