I guess it would probably be easiest to just write some custom jQuery for it, here is a fiddle I found after a quick google.
Is that something that you are after?
No. Sorry, maybe I didn't explain well enough. I am talking about PHP within my trigger_action_urban_airship.inc file. So, for the tokens field, I am using the standard Matrix option list, which nicely prints the up and down arrows:
$device_token = array_get_index($settings, 'airship_device_token', '');
if ($write_access) {
echo '<p>';
$option_list = new Asset_Attribute_Option_List(0, $device_token, ',');
$option_list->setEditParam('width', 85);
echo '</p>';
echo '<p>'.translate('trigger_action_urban_airship_device_token_instructions').'</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>'.str_replace(',', '<br />', $device_token).'</p>';
But this only a provides a single field, not key/value pair fields as I have shown and mentioned in the original post. Matrix uses this for the Custom Form Select field screen, but looking at the code the the implementation of it is quite large and an overkill for what I need.
So I was wondering if the there is an easier way to implement this kind of a field in Matrix. Such as some special edit params to create the Asset_Attribute_Option_List object.