Remaping URL

(Jmysona) #1

hi to all

Could someone help please.

I am trying to remap some URLs and error below keep apearing does any one have idea how i can trace where this URL is remaping to.

MySource Warning

File: [SYSTEM_ROOT]/core/include/ Line: 504

Message: Failed adding URL remap, URL "" is already remapping to another URL [CORE0024]

Backtrace: Show

I hope that make sense.

Many thanks,

(Shane Weddell) #2

I have seen this a few times. The remap manager can contain remaps independently of the remap screen of the asset, the causes are somewhat convoluted to explain.

If you got to the remap manager you will be able to search for the remaps, 3.18 up. Seek and destroy and you shall have your remap.

(Dw Andrew) #3

If you arn't on 3.18+, you can easily delete in the DB

delete * from SQ_AST_LOOKUP_REMAP where URL = '';

(Jmysona) #4

Many thanks guys problem solved thanks to your help.