Report to show last active lock?


Hi guys,

We have a series of LDAP users. Is it possible to create an asset listing that could grab a last active lock log?

We just want to report on ow often our editors acquire a lock to an asset in the system.

There have been various other posts through the forums but these users are created as matrix users and dont go through and LDAP bridge.

I do know there’s the users keywords and it would be perfect if we could apply metadata schemas to these shadow assets but we can’t - unless you can and I’m missing something.

We are running 4.18.0

Any advice will be met with a high five from afar.



(Peter Sheppard) #2

Given locks are stored to and cleared from a dedicated database table directly, I'd suggest the simplest way with lowest server load would be to write a Postgres function to run as a trigger on that table to insert/update data into a new table.

(Bart Banda) #3

It would be quite intensive to store and update that data I would imagine, because you are often acquiring multiple locks when just acquiring the locks on the details or contents screen of an asset. 

Not sure how valuable it would be either if the last held locks was on the linking screen of an asset when the user didn't even do anything on there.

There is also the Active Locks screen that shows you all current held locks in the system and by what user, but not sure what this shows for LDAP users: 


Hey guys thanks so much. Yep the I can see the active locks screen and it’s ok to see over one given time. I guess we just wanted to assess out of a heap of users who was at least trying to access the system or just logging in .

I think what we are going to do is just grab the system logs each day in the system. And extract the user logged in. If we have this over a week we will be able to see out of our 400 plus users who is trying to edit. There’s also google analytics which can give us the area but it won’t isolate a user on particular.

It would be really effective in our reporting to see when we train users - to when they first access the system. Google analytics does offer some good info though.

Sorry guys if I’m wasting your time here. Cheers.