Retrieve asset 'details'


Matrix Version: 5.5

I would like to be able to capture the details of each asset, specifically details of which options have been selected for assets such as forms (form contents).

client side validation selected?
submission logging (which options selected)
multi-page (yes/no)

Thank you.

(Bart Banda) #2

Try using the %asset_data_attributes% keyword which gives you a JSON object with all of the asset’s attributes like these.

(Lewis) #3

H @pixelmedia,

I’ve looked at the JS API in Squiz to see if there is any operation in there that would pull this kind of detail back but I can’t see anything obvious. The most detailed operation is getGeneral function but, trying that against a Custom Form on our end, doesn’t yield that kind of detail - just things like published date, who created it and its asset ID for example.

I didn’t have any luck with %asset_data_attributes%

(John gill) #4

js_api.getAttributes or %asset_data_attributes% is the source for this info, but the catch is that the interesting attributes for a form are on the Form Contents asset, not the top level Custom Form asset.

Given the setup


the vast majority of the attributes are on #311, not #310.

> Object.keys(await js_api.getAttributes({asset_id:310})).length
> Object.keys(await js_api.getAttributes({asset_id:311})).length

(To complicate things, the more complex attributes are also PHP serialized, so you’ll need to include a JS library to unserialize them before you can use them.)