Rollback and History

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

What determines when a change will be shown in the history screen for an asset on a system with rollback enabled?


E.g. after rollback is enabled, will the history screen show every minor edit that is saved on an asset - or is it limited in some way?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #2

Alternatively... if you've enabled Rollback via the Rollback Management tool (switching the status to Enabled) is there more that you need to do?  The Rollback Management Tool webpage ( isn't clear on that.

(Bart Banda) #3

What determines when a change will be shown in the history screen for an asset on a system with rollback enabled?


E.g. after rollback is enabled, will the history screen show every minor edit that is saved on an asset - or is it limited in some way?


I'm pretty sure it records a change every time you hit commit and attributes or metadata are changed.


And yes, all you have to do to turn it on is to enable it using the rollback management screen in the System Tools area. 

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #4

Oh bother.  So if the history screen is only showing one entry, that would suggest there's something wrong?

(Bart Banda) #5

Yea sounds like it's not registering changes properly, might need to get more help from Squiz Support. 

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #6

I've tried turning Rollback off and on again via the Rollback Management tool, and that's added history entries on all assets as far as I can tell from a quick look (so the history entries for vX and vY are displaying on assets both changed and unchanged since I originally turned rollback on).


The vX and vY shown also aren't sequential so, yes, I'll seek some assistance with sorting our what is going on here.