I can't figure out what this might be. The site displays perfectly as it should most of the time on most computers.
However, on some, the site just displays its contents with no CSS applied whatsoever, in Times New Roman with underlined blue links.
Worst of all, its the editors for the company that the site is for that often seem to have this problem in their office. It has happened to a couple of computers in the office, but not all of them, and they've had their network people look at it and it doesn't seem to be any kind of a proxy or network configuration that could be preventing anything coming through.
This problem may be exclusive to Safari. I am not entirely sure, but I believe the people experiencing this problem are using Safari, and when I try to view the site in it, I am presented with the unstyled content.
Is this a problem others have had? I know about the input boxes not working in webkit browsers, but is this familiar to anyone?