Search and replace tool not finding string

(Serge) #1

Matrix Version:

Squiz Matrix v5.4.2.0

Looking for string “http” and cannot find it.

Read the doc:

Is there an exception for code? What am I doing wrong here?

(Bart Banda) #2

Maybe check that the word “http” isn’t black listed on the details screen of the Search Manager?

(Serge) #3


Actually, would I need to enable contains search? :grimacing:


mmmm yeah, seems like the http bit would be mid word. Thoughts?

(Serge) #4

Nope, turned it on and still get same result

These guys definitely have content

(Bart Banda) #6

Did you re-index that asset’s contents after you turned that setting on?

Also note that if you do turn “Enable Contains Search” on, it might have an impact on performance when doing any matrix searches.

(Serge) #8

Yep, I turned it on and re-indexed. No result.

I’ve created a search script using the JS_API, so i don’t need this anymore. All I need left is the JS_API to support update to design assets …