Search for keyword in DB

(Nic Hubbard) #1

We just found that the keyword %asset_href% was causing some issues for public users, and would like to change all references to %asset_url%. (Years ago we used %asset_href%, not sure why)

Does anyone know how to write a DB query to search for %asset_href% and replace it with %asset_url%? Or at least give a list of the asset ID's so I can do it manually?

Thank you!

(Dan Simmons) #2

I'd recommend getting a list of asset IDs and changing them manually.

You can do that with this query:

    SELECT assetid FROM sq_ast_attr_val WHERE custom_val LIKE '%\%asset_href\%%';

While it's very easy to do a replace in SQL, bodycopy divs also store information on the filesystem (eg. for paint layouts, designs), so you can't just replace them in the DB.

(Nic Hubbard) #3

I'd recommend getting a list of asset IDs and changing them manually.

You can do that with this query:

    SELECT assetid FROM sq_ast_attr_val WHERE custom_val LIKE '%\%asset_href\%%';

While it's very easy to do a replace in SQL, bodycopy divs also store information on the filesystem (eg. for paint layouts, designs), so you can't just replace them in the DB.

This worked perfectly. Thank you so much!