Search manager


Am I reading this one right guys ? As in admin it says " when set to no search performance will be increased"

In the manuals -

No Roles Check: when a search is performed and an asset is found, Squiz Matrix will check whether or not the user has permission to view it. This includes checking any Roles that have been given permission on the asset. The No Roles Check field allows you to turn off this check for the Roles. By doing this, you can increase the performance of the Search Page. By default, this is set to No meaning that the checks for the Roles will be performed.

Shouldn’t this be - will not be performed if set to no?

(Tbaatar) #2

It is inevitable search performance will suffer if the system has to check for role/permission and search the keyword term as its doing 2-3 extra task.


I can't think of any situation why you would turn on the roll check, unless your an admin user.

(Benjamin Pearson) #3

Am I reading this one right guys ? As in admin it says " when set to no search performance will be increased"
In the manuals -

No Roles Check: when a search is performed and an asset is found, Squiz Matrix will check whether or not the user has permission to view it. This includes checking any Roles that have been given permission on the asset. The No Roles Check field allows you to turn off this check for the Roles. By doing this, you can increase the performance of the Search Page. By default, this is set to No meaning that the checks for the Roles will be performed.

Shouldn't this be - will not be performed if set to no?


Yeah, you are right, the docs were not updated when the field language of the field was changed to remove the double negative. Will get someone to fix it up.


Thanks Ben! I thought I was going bonkers! Lol