Send email trigger - keyword for user's email?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

Wondering if there is a keyword for the user's email available for a send email trigger, or if I'll have to redevelop the trigger to use a send bulkmail job action?


The bulkmail page references - %recipient_asset_attribute_email% - but that looks to be a bulkmail only keyword?

(Nic Hubbard) #2

What asset is the Trigger actioning on?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3

The trigger is actioning on a standard page going live, where the trigger is set to send an email to a bulkmail group.


What I'd like is to embed into the email an unsubscribe link targeting an unsubscribe page with all the relevant details (email + bulkmail group).

(Nic Hubbard) #4

The trigger is actioning on a standard page going live, where the trigger is set to send an email to a bulkmail group.


What I'd like is to embed into the email an unsubscribe link targeting an unsubscribe page with all the relevant details (email + bulkmail group).


The trigger would need to be actioning on the bulk mail users in order to get their email address.

(Bart Banda) #5

Yep, or send the email out using a bulkmail job and personalise the bulkmail email that gets sent out for each user. I know you can do it for normal matrix user assets, but not 100% that you can for bulkmail user assets, but I think so. Keep in mind though that this will take longer to send out the bulkmail and put larger load on the server. 


Actually, if you are using a trigger you could also try the "Action on other assets" with the send email and potentially pass the bulkmail user's email attribute that way for each email that gets sent, but not sure if that will work.