Setting start and end tags for remote content asset

(Ben Chapman) #1

Matrix Version:

I’m trying to create remote content assets using an asset builder. I have tried setting the start and end tags both through inputs in the asset builder form and using a trigger. But either way, the “<” and “>” characters are rendered using HTML code as “&lt ;” and “&gt ;”, e.g. “&lt ;center&gt ;”.

How can I ensure that the start and end tags are rendered as proper HTML tags when I set them automatically?

(Bart Banda) #2

Hmm, I’m not sure that’d be possible without turning off “filter frontend input”, which you probably don’t want to do. But if this asset builder is just for trusted logged in users, you might be able to do it just for that user group?

Alternatively you could look into using a trigger that sets those attributes on asset created? Not sure if the Set Attributes trigger action would allow that for Remote Content assets though…

(Ben Chapman) #3


‘Filter Front End User Input’ is actually set to ‘No’. The tags are being submitted. It is just that the ‘<’ and ‘>’ characters are being replaced by the HTML escapes (’&lt ;’ and ‘&gt ;’).

This happens whether the tags are submitted by inputs in the asset builder or through setting the attributes by a trigger.


(Bart Banda) #4

Hmm, it might be a bug then, probably hasn’t been hit by anyone else til now because it’s quite rare to let users dynamically create remote content assets via an asset builder.

Have you looked at using a REST asset as an option instead and then let users create something like data records as the assets to create and use metadata to capture the dynamic parts and then feed that into the generic & dynamic REST asset to pull the content through?