Site asset with index page set to itself

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

Squiz Matrix Version:

We had a fault with Edit+ not working correctly reported to us yesterday where on inspection we found the site asset had an index page set of itself instead of the standard page asset it was previously using.

Resolving that was fairly easy after discovering that, but I’m left wondering how that occurred. Talking with the user whose account was involved they were using the Edit+ linking screen to rearrange local section navigation links (menu_normal), but a quick test suggests that it was a bit more than just reordering links that happened.

Is there any reason why a site asset needs the option for the index to be the site asset itself?

Seems like a potential trap for people with access who don’t quite understand what the ‘index page’ needs to be, and if it breaks Edit+ access possibly something that content editors might not be able to recover from themselves?

(Bart Banda) #2

Yea we discussed a while ago about limiting the special pages to certain asset types, but decided it wasn’t critical enough to do

What would make sense though, is to restrict those special asset links from being a site asset, which should take care of people accidentally linking the Site asset’s to themselves.

I’ll create a squizmap for that.


(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3

Thanks Bart - I’d vote for 11575 but I am again out of votes.

(Bart Banda) #4

All good, no need to vote for that one, something we’ll do regardless. :slight_smile: