Sort By Time Metadata Value

(Nick Papadatos) #1

Matrix Version:

Hi Squiz Folk,

I’m trying to sort assets by start time which is a metadata value.
The metadata display format: g:i a and the front-end display example {Meta field start_time} 9:00 am - {meta field end_time} 9:30 am

Interestingly, changing the default metadata sort type to “raw” worked on one asset listing but not the other which has a slightly different layout


(Bart Banda) #2

Hey Nick, not sure why it worked on one asset listing for you and not the other. With metadata date fields however, I always find it’s best to leave the display format as the default iso format and just use keyword modifiers when you want to present the date in a different format on the frontend. THat way you can always get the true sorting on the data consistent and using the right ISO format.

(Nick Papadatos) #3

Sorry Bart but I may have asked the wrong question prematurely : I reformed the question and found a solution

I guess we can delete this post?


(Bart Banda) #4

All good,thanks for following up. Happy to leave this open.