Sorting asset listing page using metadata field to exclude assets

(Adeline Yaw) #1

Hi there,


I have a folder containing x amount of standard pages and each page contains metadata.
My question is; if it's possible, can I create an asset listing page that excludes certain pages that contain a specific word within a metadata (text) field?

For example, a metadata field is called 'GrantType' and if text has been entered (into this metadata field) called 'Discovery', exclude this particular asset from the asset listing page.

I've looked at sorting an asset listing page using the metadata field but I can't seem to find any keyword modifier to exclude particular assets, is this at all possible?

Has anybody used a different approach for a similar situation, if so let me know.



(Peter McLeod) #2

Probably easiest to use a search asset rather than an asset listing for this.

Otherwise if you need to use the asset listing you could display the results using a paint layout that has conditions applied to not display items according to your logic.



(Adeline Yaw) #3

Thanks Peter! I'll have a look at both suggestions.