Sorting RSS data source in asset list

(Neil) #1


There seems to be several posts on sorting RSS feeds by one of the data fields but I can’t seem to make it work.

I have an RSS feed that looks like this:

		<guid> </guid>

and want to sort the list by closingDate

I have an RSS data source and have removed all sort options except for a Sorting by Asset Keyword Value which I’ve set as %ds__closingdate^date_format:Ymd% and use that as the default sort.

Whatever happens now the shadow assets just get displayed in order. I.e.
50578:0 20181231
50578:1 20180704
50578:2 20180703
50578:3 20180705
50578:4 20180705

Do I need to refer to %ds__closingdate% differently when sorting on the value as this is relative to the current asset rather than data source value?

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Matrix Version:5.3.4

(Bart Banda) #2

Have you tried using an asset listing to list and sort the data records instead?

(Neil) #3

Yes. Sorry if that was unclear.

The sorting I was trying to describe is done the Asset Sorting screen of the Asset listing.


(Tbaatar) #4

I have external RSS feeding sorting working.
Did you make sure to remove the percentages?

(Neil) #5

Ace. User error.
In my defence, our version of the GUI doesn’t show the % signs on the box!

Many thanks.