The documentation says that it can be used “to enable the execution of core-level Squiz Matrix functions using JavaScript, allowing users to create, modify and retrieve content”.
I’ve got the API working using the Javascript code samples you’ve provided elsewhere in the documentation and successfully created a standard page but how do I add content (as something like “Hello, world!” to it using the API? I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere in the forum that you have to update the Content Container shadow asset but again, how do you do that using the JS API?
Also, how do I install the Content API package using just the cli in Red Hat on the Squiz virtual machine that’s downloadable from the Squiz website? Sorry … I’m not all that familiar with Linux. I’m guessing there’s a repository that I can use to download it using wget or something?
Really keen to get this working because it opens up the CMS to mobile users and provides more resilience.