Squiz marketo integration

(Mitch Kerry) #1


I’m trying pull data from Marketo into Matrix to pre-populate a form.
I’ve set up the SOAP details in a Marketo bridge but the documentation is very sketchy on how to extract data based on a munchkin cookie.

I can retrieve data but it is anonymous even though the cookie has been set.

Any suggestions?


(Bart Banda) #2

Hey Mitch, can you share some more information about your use case and requirement and what you have set up so far?

Have you had a lookat the getLead info https://matrix.squiz.net/manuals/marketo/appendices/get-lead-api ?

(Mitch Kerry) #3

Hi Bart

Sorry for the vagueness :slight_smile:

I want to be able to pre-populate a form based on the user details from a munchkin cookie.
I’ve tried the get_lead code but am not getting anything back. I’ve set up the SOAP API details.
If I use %globals_marketo_munchkin_init:XXXXX% I get generic anonymous data:

{"result":{"count":1,"leadRecordList":{"leadRecord":{"Id":1596033,"Email":null,"ForeignSysPersonId":null,"ForeignSysType":null,"leadAttributeList":{"attribute":[{"attrName":"AnonymousIP","attrType":"string","attrValue":""},{"attrName":"behaviour","attrType":"integer","attrValue":"5"},{"attrName":"InferredCompany","attrType":"string","attrValue":"Telstra Internet"},{"attrName":"InferredCountry","attrType":"string","attrValue":"Australia"},{"attrName":"LeadScore","attrType":"integer","attrValue":"5"}]}}}},"timestamp":1503973040}

Does that explain better?

Thanks Bart

(Bart Banda) #4

Kinda, I think the best way would be to have a look at the system and implementation directly to see exactly what assets are in use and how it’s all put together.

Another thing to check is to see if it’s caching that’s causing the anonymous data to appear?

(Mitch Kerry) #5

Thanks Bart

Might be best I put in a ticket?

(Bart Banda) #6

Yea I think so. We’ve got some Marketo experts that could probably help take a look at it as well that way in case there is something in Marketo that also needs to be configured.