Squiz Matrix 4.0 install step_03.php errors

(Nic Hubbard) #1

I used the public CVS to check out 4.0.0 and am using the normal install instructions. Everything is working fine, until I run step_03.php and get the following errors:

    Asset "form_action_call_rest_resource" attempts to inherit from the unknown type "form_action"
    As specified by /home/websites/mysource_matrix/packages/rest/form/form_action_types/form_action_call_rest_resource/asset.xml
    Installing Package_Manager_Rest:
    0 => page_rest_resource 
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Asset_Attribute_HTTP_Request in /home/websites/mysource_matrix/packages/rest/attributes/http_request/http_request.inc on line 884

Any ideas where these errors are coming from?

(Edison Wang) #2

Please rm -rf that rest package in the packages directory.
And the run steps again.

That rest package was merged into web_services package a while ago, however it was still left in public cvs.

It has been fixed now.

(Nic Hubbard) #3


(Nic Hubbard) #4

Ok, now I am getting a new error when running step_03.php:

    Installing Package_Manager_CMS:
    0 => form 
    | PHP Warning                                                                                           |
    | File : [SYSTEM_ROOT]/packages/cms/form/form/form.inc                                                  |
    | Line : 23                                                                                             |
    | require_once([SYSTEM_ROOT]/fudge/mollom/mollom.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory |

There is no Mollom folder or .inc file in fudge. Has this been forgotten in the Public CVS?

(Nic Hubbard) #5

I fixed it by manually checking out the fudge package which included mollom and adding into my mysource_matrix folder.

Also, the squiz_suite package does not get checked out with the script.

Is there a reason why the checkout.sh script is not getting everything?

(Benjamin Pearson) #6

I fixed it by manually checking out the fudge package which included mollom and adding into my mysource_matrix folder.

Also, the squiz_suite package does not get checked out with the script.

Is there a reason why the checkout.sh script is not getting everything?


I don't think the script has been updated yet with the new 4.0 packages yet.

If you want to checkout a package by hand, from inside the packages directory, use:

    cvs -q -d :pserver:anonymous:@public-cvs.squiz.net:/home/public/packages/PACKAGENAME co -P -r mysource_4-0-0 PACKAGENAME

(Obviously, changing PACKAGENAME to the name of the package you want to install eg. squiz_suite)

EDIT: Actually my mistake, squiz_suite was added over a week ago. Did you get the latest version of the checkout script or were you using a branch copy?
I just added mollom to the list of fudge packages which was missed by accident

(Nic Hubbard) #7

I must have had an older version of the script. Just grabbed the newest one. Thanks.