Squiz Matrix in Squiz Cloud make case-insentitive

(Kieran) #1

Matrix Version: 6.19.2

Hi brains trust, is there a way to make Squiz Matrix in the Squiz Cloud case in-senstive with URLs?
Currently, if someone edits an assets url and accidentally uses capitals, the URL will not work if they type in a URL without those capitals.

Is there a way to either force URLs in a webpath change to convert to lowercase, or have all urls entered for a site work with both capital and non-capital combinations?

(Bart Banda) #2

There’s no config for this atm, but you could potentially try it with a trigger that checks the new web path on web path updated event and then if there are any uppercase letters in there, it automatically changes to all lowercase?

You could also trigger an error instead of automatically changing it for them to let them fix it themselves.

(Kieran) #3

Thanks Bart,
Sounds like a reasonable workaround for now.

(Kieran) #4

Looking into this:

  1. Before Web Path Updated
  2. URL Matches (insert regex with capital letter A-Z)
    3. Create Session variable for that webpath??
    4. Add Web Path using session variable with lowercase regex??

(Bart Banda) #5

It depends on what you want to do, if you want to simply change it for them automatically, you need to use after web path changed instead of before. If you want to block the change from happening and present the user with an error, use before web path changed.