Squiz Matrix Virtual Machine

(V Mudgil) #1

Hi, I downloaded the latest VM yesterday. I am getting the error "eth0 is not getting an IP address". I am getting this on both Windows and Mac machines. Could you help in trouble shooting this please?

(Bart Banda) #2

Hmm, not sure, could be a number of things. Are you using the latest version of VirtualBox? Did you also follow these steps:



Once the import has completed, right click on the VM named "squizdemo.com" and select "Settings" from the menu.

Select the "Network" tab from the top of the popup menu and check the 'Enable Network Adapter' checkbox.

Select "OK" and then double click the "squizdemo.com" VM.

(V Mudgil) #3

Hi Bart,

All those steps are in the manual and I have already followed them. Is there are preferred choice in the Attached to option - Bridged Adapter, NAT, NAT Network and so on. The default option is Bridged Adapter. I have tried the other options as well. No luck.

(Bart Banda) #4

See attached for what I've got configured and works (Windows 10).


I have noticed sometimes though that depending on the WIFI/VPN connection I'm on as well, it sometimes assigns an invalid IP address, so might be something to do with that. Capture.PNG (22.2 KB)

(Benjamin Pearson) #5

Possibly, if you use the VM console to login, the network could be living on another ethX adaptor. If this is the case, you can remove the udev rule and restart.


List network adaptor

ip addr list

Remove the udev rule

rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules