Static content around keyword replacement and modifiers being repeated

(Oscar) #1

Matrix Version:

I’m trying to display the contents of another asset on a page using the following keyword replacement and modifiers:-


I pass the asset ID of the asset content that I want to display as a URL pararmeter (ie. ?event=605064).

This works but the strange thing is that static content before and after the above statement is being displayed twice.

Please see


Anyone got any idea why this is happening?

As a side note, I thought that the following would work but it doesn’t. Any ideas why?



(John gill) #2

%globals_asset_contents_paint_layout_id_605582:AID^replace:AID:{globals_get_event}% isn’t a valid keyword, but somehow it’s glitching in a way that actually evaluates the content you want, but also renders that container twice.

My guess is that it’s being evaluated in two passes - that broken keyword causes the double render and evaluates to a string which then gets picked up as another globals keyword and reprocessed, and it’s the second one that spits out what you want - but working out exactly what is going on probably won’t help.

I think the keyword you want is
