Static text in Squiz Matrix Form

(Ryan Archer) #1

Hi there,


Is there a way to insert static text into a Squiz Matrix form without resorting to using a Custom form and having to use the text editor to layout all the form content with the static text?


Reason I am asking is that I am updating a form that was setup using squiz matrix GUI (not custom form) and the new edit has lots of new headers and static text that I can't really put in there without making heaps of new sections. I was hoping just to add another question type that was just static text (that I could markup) to quickly solve the issue.


The only other way around it that I can see is to use nested sections or do lots of work on a Custom Form (the form is very long).

(Nic Hubbard) #2

I have wanted something along these same lines. A label "question" would be very handy for something like this.

(Tim Davison) #3

Not off-the-shelf that I'm aware of.  It's almost like forms need an intermediary, like a question format (similar to type formats) so we can customise details of how questions are laid out, and then a page format on top of that so we can put custom text between.


I know it doesn't help you, but as a rule I always manually do the contents of forms.  Main reason is because our version of Matrix (v4.12) uses tables for layout and doesn't output valid HTML5, but a secondary reason is more often than not that someone wants some custom piece of text inserted exactly *here*.  Tertiary reason is sometimes form inputs are simply not supported by Matrix (e.g. using a Google Map to select a geo-coord).  I know it's probably a lot of work especially in your case, but unfortunately manually doing the form contents is the most flexible way.


Yes I must admit I dread custom text! Manual seems to be the most flexible