Stream selection rules

(Serge) #1

Matrix Version:


Can someone provide me with an example of how I would set a stream selection rule as follow: Show stream only on Fridays.

What I have on the interface is this:

With keywords definition here:

Thanks for your help.

(Bart Banda) #2

Hey Serge,
Try using %globals_date_l% (lower case L) as the keyword, and for the pattern simply use: Friday

(Serge) #3

Thanks Bart, will give that a try.

As for patterns, I’m assuming they are regexp, don’t they need to be surrounded by a marker (conventionally a slash /)?

(Bart Banda) #4

I think you only need that if you are doing a regex match on them, if the slashes aren’t there, I think Matrix will just do a simple string comparison (contains).