Submission logs asset listing - deleted submissions appearing

(Joy) #1

I have an asset listing that lists the submissions from a form. I have deleted unwanted submission logs however the asset listing still shows them.


How do I remove these unwanted submission logs from the asset listing?



(Joy) #2

If anyone is interested, to fix this issue I added the submission log Ids to the Exclude Assets on the Details screen which removed the submissions from the asset listing.

(Bart Banda) #3

If the asset listing are still showing those submission assets, it must mean the listing still has access to list them. Can you confirm that those submission assets are deleted and removed from the root node of where the asset listing is pointing to? 

(Joy) #4

I deleted the submissions from the Administration interface but it still appeared on the asset listing. Adding them to the Exclude Assets was the only way to remove them from the asset listing

(Bart Banda) #5

That sounds weird, unless there is some caching going on. Can you try and delete them and purge the trash so they are deleted from the system completely? 


That way you wouldn't be able to/have to exclude them specifically from the asset listing screen.