Submitting previously saved forms

(Ryan Archer) #1

Having an issue where I cannot submit a previously saved custom (multi page) form.

Going through the 6 page form in one go is straightforward and works.


Now if I pick up on a previously saved incomplete form, get to the last page - it simply will not submit and it's not a Captcha issue either as no error message appears there.


However, a generic validation error message happens at the top of the page saying there is something wrong - and asks me to look for the error. Which does not come up on the last page or any of the previous pages.


The form has a required upload field on page 4 - not sure if this is causing issues, but it appears to be attached when resuming an incomplete form.


Have done this type of form last year when we had Squiz v4.18.4 and managed to get it working. Is there something different about the way it's supposed to be setup in v5.3.1?

(Ryan Archer) #2

I should add that I created this new custom multi page form by cloning a previous instance of the last one I did last year. Would this possible cause issues due to the complexity of the asset?

(Bart Banda) #3

Not sure, any of those could be the issue. I would try and strip back the cloned form to see where the issue is happening, as in try with the file upload field, then try removing the captcha etc.


Alternatively, try create a brand new one with the minimum components of your main one, doesn't have to be 6 steps long, but just multi stepped with at least 1 file field, captcha etc to see if you can narrow down the issue that way. 


If you are able to replicate it with a simpler form, you can post it here, either replication steps or xml export of it and we can try and replicate and investigate further. 

(Ryan Archer) #4

Thanks for following up Bart.

Strange thing is, did another test late last week and the issue is not happening anymore. I have no clue as to how it resolved itself. Case is closed for now (knock on wood)