Text Mate Template Bundle on GITHub

(Justin Avery) #1

After a long train journey up to Leeds and also down to Bournemouth with no Internet connection I found myself trying to solve problems to do with the Interwebs whilst not being connected to the Interwebs… very difficult.

I’ve been using TextMate on a daily basis for editing HTML and CSS, taking notes, and also dabbling in the “easy to make pages look like web apps” bundle JQTouch.

This got me thinking that there must be an easier way to build Mysource Matrix Parse files without having to look up the keywords that can be included.

From there I created a Squiz TextMate Bundle and have hosted it on GitHub.

Download & Install Squiz TextMate Bundle

You can get the Squiz TextMate bundle by downloading the zip file below, or alternatively if you want the latest version from GitHub follow the instructions below.

* Download Squiz TextMate Bundle as Zip File

GitHub Instructions

mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles

cd !$

git clone git://github.com/justincavery/Squiz-Textmate-Bundles.git Squiz.tmbundle

osascript -e ‘tell app “TextMate” to reload bundles’

If that last step doesn’t activate the bundle for you then navigate tousernameLibrary/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles and open the Textmate file

This adds a Squiz - HTML5 template to your File - New from Template selection and Adds “Squiz” to your list of bundles.

Using Squiz TextMate Bundle

Activation Words

Once you have created your template you can activate any of the bundle options by typing the activation word and pressing tab.

* menu

* body

* site

* user

* asset

* body

* nested

* img

* css

Next Steps

  1. Add reset styles and jquery google api's to the head
  2. Create a "mysource_files" folder as part of the template creation

    If you have any comments or suggestions please update the GitHub page or leave a comment below.

(Duncan Robertson) #2


(Aleks Bochniak) #3

Nerd! Thanks tho… Make one for Coda?

(Pw) #4

If I understand correctly - this is for Mac OS X.
Any way to use it in MS Windows?

(Burkec) #5

Any way to use it in MS Windows?


There are only a few Windows text editor programs that can use native TextMate bundles that I am aware of:

(Justin Avery) #6

@Duncan - No problems, any wanted additions?

@Aleks - Not going to make one for coda just yet, but once I've finished making most of the changes to this one I'll be sure to look into it.

@uam - yes this is just for Mac at the moment, but thanks to @chris burke you might be able to leverage this work on the PC.

By the end of this week I'll have the tab control on the inserted elements so that you can jump to the image file name or the nested content name with a tab for easy updating. Dave Letorey is also helping me out with a bunch of additional keywords this week.

Once it's updated I'll repost an updated link here.

(Burkec) #7

(Dave Letorey) #8

If I understand correctly - this is for Mac OS X.

Any way to use it in MS Windows?


The is e-texteditor that allows the use of textmate bundles http://www.e-texteditor.com/


(Anton Babushkin) #9

Pretty awesome. Thanks mate.