The public user and online quiz assets

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #1

Matrix Version:

We’re looking to use an online quiz asset for a particular task, but while it worked well in development, we’ve hit an issue with it’s use in public - as the public user account is what is being used to access the quiz, and all quiz submissions seemed to be compiled together, with the pool size dropping to 0.

We adjusted the settings and reset the pool size, and now it seems (for the moment) to be working with the pool size staying as set.

Are there any factors that might reduce the pool size to 0? Or are we maybe hitting a window-left-open-pebkac ?

(Bart Banda) #2

Not used the quiz asset much myself. But are you saying that you set the pool size of the quiz to something like “10”, and then when public users use the quiz, it drops down to 0?

Can you elaborate a bit more about what the problem is?

(Douglas (@finnatic at @waikato)) #3

It looked like the pool size was reducing every time it was tested.

Since the OP, I’ve reset the count and my reset seems to have affected whatever was seeing it decremented down to zero (which is puzzling).