Trigger to Reindex Search Manager?

(Emily) #1

Matrix Version:

I am wanting to create a trigger to tell the Search Manager to Re-Index whenever the Search Manager settings are updated (e.g. weightings). However, as far as I can find, there is no Action for reindexing search manager.

I know the SM won’t be updated too often, but it has been asked if this step can be automated. (I suppose people may forget to reindex).

I am not worried about selecting the root node(s) for it to reindex, as the install is only small & containing 1 site.

Does anyone have a method to do this?

Thanks in advance,

(Bart Banda) #2

No, I don’t know of way of doing that, and you probably don’t want to either as you should really only have to do it a few times, not regularly. Kicking it off using a trigger would need to kick it off as a cron job perhaps as well, as the process can take some time, especially for larger sites.

(Emily) #3

Hi Bart,

Thank you for your input. :slight_smile: Yes, it should only need to be done a few times – whenever the SM is updated (e.g. weightings) as it does not seem to automatically reindex to adjust to these changes.

So long as the only people updating the SM know how it works & do the re-index, it is fine. Unfortunately there are times when this is not the case, and they do not realise they need to re-index after the weightings change. (yes, there is a ‘simple’ solution - block their access - but I am not allowed to :unamused: )

I have been trying to educate the site owner that they do not need regular re-indexing, since updating the asset tells the system to reindex that asset. So far they do not seem to believe me, or trust that that is the case. They are insisting on the SM to re-index every week - which I am trying to explain is not necessary.

Thankfully it is a small site, and the occasions in which I have had to re-index after changes only takes 2 hours, and can be done at low-usage times.

Back to trying to convince the site owner to trust that the SM does not need frequent re-indexing. :sweat_smile:
Hopefully the fact that “it can’t be done with a trigger” will help!

Thanks again :slight_smile:

(Bart Banda) #4

Hey Emily,
Sounds like you’re dealing with some interesting issues there, trying to convince people of how the software works. :frowning:

Maybe ask them if they can give you an example of use case of when the automatic re-indexing of an asset when it updates hasn’t worked, so that they can prove or explain to you more about what they mean?

Maybe the underlying problem hasn’t actually been defined yet to everyone?