Trigger to send bulkmail in certain time

(Sang) #1

I am building “News Subscribe” so when user makes a new “Standard Page”, it triggers to send bulkmail to subscribers.

The problem is the user wants to send the mail at 4am on the next day.

Schedule job manager are set to send email “Queue Scheduled Bulkmail Scheduled Job” every 15 minutes. I cannot change this because it may be used in somewhere else. If this can have an exception for certain bulkmail, it would be great, but I could not find it in the system.

I tried to change Job Scheduling in Bulkmail Job, but it did not work.

Anyone has any idea on this?

(Bart Banda) #2

You could trigger the bulk mail via the trigger based on a metadata date field value?

So in your trigger event you use metadata time expired and condtion would be your metadata date field, that way you can set a manual date to send the bulkmail at?

(Sang) #3

Is there any way we set date as automatically like next day 4am?
I can see only I set up manual date or certain time after it is set ( ex. after 4 hours ).

(Bart Banda) #4

You could try using the Set Metadata Value trigger action and passing a dynamic date keyword to it to always set it to 4am?

Alternatively you could have another trigger condition that checks on a keyword value where the keyword could check %globals_date% to see if it’s past 4am or not on the current day?

(Sang) #5

I tried below

Keyword Value
globals_date_G-i - Exact Match - 10-00 (Failed)

Metadata Value
Metadata(Date:Format H:i:s) - Exact Match - 10:00:00 (Failed)

Both Failed. Did I do something wrong?

(Sang) #6

It is solved, Thanks for the help!