Trigger to send email to form submiter when their submission is made live

(V Mudgil) #1


Think of this as recipient email NOT when the form is submitted but when their submission is made live and shows on an asset listing page for the live form submissions. 

I want to write a trigger that sends an email to the form submitter (the form has an email field) when their submission is made live.How do I make the submitter's email available to the trigger.




(Bart Banda) #2

Try and use this keyword for printing the value of the email address in the trigger:




This will show the response to the question for the submission. is the assetid of the Section the question has been added to or the asset ID of the Form Contents asset if the question does not belong to a section; qY is the ID of the question, for example, %question_answer_89_q1% (for question 89:q1).

(V Mudgil) #3

Thanks Bart. I am using this keyword on the asset listing page but didn't realise that it can be used in  the trigger as well. Will let you know how it went.