Trigger to send email with links report attached

(Jmw1d09) #1

I want to set up a trigger that will send an email to my colleague each month, when the broken links report for our site runs.


I have set up the report to run every thirty days. I have also set up a trigger that will fire each time the asset is updated and send an email.


The problem is it sends the email when it starts running the report, when I obviously want it to send once the report has finished regenerating.


It would also be great to be able to attach the csv file to the email.


If anyone can advise how I might get this working properly it would be appreciated.

(Ashish Karelia) #2

Have you looked in the "Report Broken Links?" options on the details screen on the report?

If you give user admin perm on the report than they would be notified.


Also if you are using this option then you will have to white list those emails.



(Jmw1d09) #3

Thanks Ash. I was under the impression that they would get an email for each broken link. Is that right?


I just want them to get the csv report as Squiz tends to find quite a few which dont seem to be broken, so I dont want people being bombarded by emails.


They would get the emails for each broken link. We tried this option and users got some spam!
And your right - not all of the links are really broken.