Good morning (or evening), depending on your timezone.
In my custom form, it appears that it's the "text" of the select list rather than the value, that's getting sent in the POST request. At least it seems that when I get the value of %response_241279_q5% (which is a select list), it's the text, not the value of the input.
My select list needs to hold assetIds as values, but present a friendlier form (e.g. Topic 1) as the text of the option element. But because the value is not being used in the form submit, then this is not possible.
Here's what my select list looks like:
Assuming values on lhs, and option text on rhs. I'm using this as the input data for a SOAP call on the form submission, where the "value" chosen in the list, becomes the "Parent ID" of an asset to be created via the CreateAsset method. When I replicate the values on the left into the right column (above), then it works. But this is not appropriate because the user doesn't know what an assetid is - they need to be able to see "topic 1".
Is this a bug? Am I doing something wrong?