Upcoming events list doesn't show any events


I’ve created an upcoming events list to display single calendar events. I’ve specified the source folder, added the %event_list% keyword to the page bodycopy, set a basic format for the single calendar event format,

<p>%asset_attribute_name% %event_end_datetime%</p>

but nothing is showing on the frontend.

I’ve gone back through the Squiz manual, but I can’t see what i’m missing.


I’ve now gone through this twice. I’ve gone back to absolute basics with the layout

I’ve set the events page body copy to


and the single calendar event format to


Still nothing shows up. There are events in the source folder, so I’m now at a loss as to whats happening.

(Nic Hubbard) #3

Are the events Live? Pretty sure calendar listing pages require the events to be Live.


Events are live (and the folder where they are), the upcoming events list asset is also live.

(Nic Hubbard) #5

I would just create a new asset and try it again. I have ran into issue where I created a new asset and it worked correctly.

(Bart Banda) #6

Could you share the details screen config of your upcoming events listing? Might be some other config missing there?

Also, what version are you using?

You should probably also use the Calendar Page to list upcoming events instead as it has way more functionality and flexibility than the Upcoming Events listing: https://matrix.squiz.net/manuals/calendar/chapters/calendar-page


I trashed the asset and started again. It works now. Thanks.