Hi Guys,
I'm working on a bulkmail just now, and I've worked out a way to have an one-click unsubscribe link with a link manager asset for user assets without having to log in.
The querystring contains http://path/to/link/manager?user=xxxxxx where xxxxxx = the assetid of the current recipient.
In the parse file, I have set up something like: http://path/to/link/manager?user=%globals_user_asset_id% but the returned asset id is the same in each email sent because the job is set to 'generate as set user'.
I could set the bulkmail job to 'generate as recipient' but there are over 1500 recipients for this bulkmail job and it could take days to send, where 'generate as set user' takes minutes.
Is there a way I can insert the asset id of the current recipient without setting the bulkmail job to 'generate as recipient'?
Aside: Even though the bulkmail job is set up to send to a 'set user', which is a user that has been selected in the bulkmail job asset, the user asset id in the email always comes through as #12 (root user). Why is that?